Drawing & Paintings:
1987 - Present

Collected here is a selection of collage works, drawings, paintings and preparatory studies that date from the late 1980s to the present. Introductory information on portfolios can be found before select images below.

Heroic Efforts, preparatory book illustrations, 2013 - 2014
These illustrations were produced to compliment a collection of satirical short stories that examine the projects of Armpit: A Roving Street Gallery.

Anger and Confusion Portfolio, 1994
This portfolio was produced shortly after arriving in Chicago while residing in an industrial warehouse not zoned for living called the Spice Factory. Surrounded by a motley crew of artists, musicians, transients, shysters and new age weirdos, our live/work space was little more than a sweatbox that sat along the south branch of the Chicago river near Chinatown. The following is a note found on the inner sleeve of the portfolio.

“These drawings were made at a time of confusion and anger. These renderings were not intended to be therapeutic, but a specific document that defined the unhealthy dialogues and thoughts that swirled within my mind. Sitting in the abyss for days, weeks and months only fueled the ability of anger and unhappiness. The level of uncertainty offered an opportunity to define character, The rawness reminds of the necessity to remember and identify those deep recesses that required me to pull myself up. These are a document of those ugly life lessons that defined a future path, for better or worse.” (2000)